Dear Shin Shin Friends and Volunteers:
Please join us to celebrate Shin Shin’s 20th Anniversary where we will celebrate our past achievements and spread our hope for a bright future.
Shin Shin will continue to support various projects including: new school construction, existing school renovation, teacher training, volunteer assistance to teachers and enrichment of student activities.
General Info:
Time: Saturday, December 9, 2017, 11:30 am to 2:30 pm
Location: Cupertino Dynasty Seafood Restaurant
(10123 N Wolfe Rd, Cupertino, CA 95014)
Fee: $100 per person ($35 meal cost and $65 tax-deductible donation).
Contact number: (650) 293-7946 / (510)513-5921
Payment Methods:
1 Check –
– Payable to “Shin Shin Educational Foundation” or “SSEF”
– Mail to: P.O. Box 399, Cupertino, CA 95015
– Please note your name and number in comment
– Please register your name and related info here
2、PayPal –
– Please fill this table and make payment here: