Dear Shin Shin Friends and Volunteers:

Please join us to celebrate Shin Shin’s 20th Anniversary where we will celebrate our past achievements and spread our hope for a bright future.

Shin Shin will continue to support various projects including: new school construction, existing school renovation, teacher training, volunteer assistance to teachers and enrichment of student activities.

General Info:
Time: Saturday, December 9, 2017, 11:30 am to 2:30 pm
Location: Cupertino Dynasty Seafood Restaurant
(10123 N Wolfe Rd, Cupertino, CA 95014)
Fee: $100 per person ($35 meal cost and $65 tax-deductible donation).
Contact number: (650) 293-7946 / (510)513-5921

Payment Methods:
1 Check –
– Payable to “Shin Shin Educational Foundation” or “SSEF”
– Mail to: P.O. Box 399, Cupertino, CA 95015
– Please note your name and number in comment
– Please register your name and related info here

2、PayPal –
– Please fill this table and make payment here:

Name/Organization* (Please fill contact name if this is for an organization)
Organization Contact
Phone Number
Number of Guests or Tables* (10 for a whole table. To arrange guests, this number shall not exceed 10, otherwise please fill this sheet and pay again. If you have more tables, please fill this sheet again and write comment below)
Guest Names* (Names separated by ‘;’)
Assign table number(If you have pre-assigned table number, please fill here and one guest name)
Deliver tickets* (If you want tickets mailed to your home, please fill address here)
  Pick on site
Mail Address